Algunhas bases para comparar a obra de Rosalía de Castro e Emilia Pardo Bazán
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Rosalía de Castro, Pardo Bazán, biography, chronology, comparatism.Abstract
The aim of this study is to point out some essential conditioning factors that must
be taken into account in any comparative study of Pardo Bazán and Rosalía de Castro in three
fundamental orders: the biographical circumstances, the chronology and the political-historical
context. It is suggested that Rosalía de Castro should be considered as a precedent and possible
influence in the formation of Pardo Bazán’s feminist consciousness, recalling the feminist
proclamations published by Rosalía almost two decades before two of Emilia’s first books, and
and we point out the confluence in the treatment of certain burning issues in the second half of
the 19th century, although they approach them from opposite ideological positions.