Facetas de la luz en las narraciones naturalistas de Emilia Pardo Bazán
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Light, Narration, Naturalism, Aesthetics, Symbolism.Abstract
In this work we aim to study the diverse facets of light in the most distinctly
naturalist novels by Emilia Pardo Bazán: the representation and integration of this phenomenon
in the composition of the narration, the role it plays, the construction of certain light effects in
the aesthetic and semantic field, as well as its symbolic transcendence. The presence of luminous
sources in the initial sentences of some tales shows the dominant value that the author awards to
it in the development of the fiction in the novel. This is the reason why we consider opportune to
draw our attention to this element which, at that time, constituted a current topic in the different
fields of knowledge and whose findings will notoriously influence the daily life of nineteenthcentury