Adán y Eva: Emilia Pardo Bazán y su tiempo
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Love relationships and society. Pardobazanian transcendenceAbstract
“Adán y Eva: Emilia Pardo Bazán y su tiempo” is a brief study that attempts
to approach the thematic and narrative keys of the two novels that make up the diptych, Dña
Milagros and Memorias de un solterón. The analysis aims to make, through these two novels, a
review of the specificity of the pardobazanian universe, especially by comparing his texts with
other examples of that times. The central characters of Adam and Eve, settled in Marineda at the
end of the 19th century, have an universal character and are still relevant one hundred years
after having been conceived by the author; their vital attitudes, their forms of love relationships,
the vindictive conception of the feminine world and, in short, the psychological profiles of these
men and women, have crossed spatial and temporal borders: this is the mastery of Emilia Pardo