Entre la historia y el folclore: Indagación sobre las fuentes de tres cuentos
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Short Stories. Folklore. Pardo Bazán. Chinese Folk Tales.Abstract
This work is a contribution to the scarce studies on sources of the stories of Emilia
Pardo Bazán, through three examples: “Agravante”, “El templo” and “La hierba milagrosa”. They
are not original stories but they are taken from previous texts and / or inspired by folklore. The
first two are based on French books of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries whose reference
models are Chinese, and they exemplify the fashion of the Chinese that was introduced in Spain
in the nineteenth century and developed especially since the 70s. The third also relies on popular
and cultured literary models but of Western origin. “Agravante” and “El templo” come from an
abbreviation, with varying degrees of creativity, of the French text; “La hierba milagrosa” is an
amplification of most sources. Didacticism and the truculent ending are common to all three.