Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) y la experiencia de lo urbano: un diálogo con Walter Benjamin (1892-1940)
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Modernity, Urban Experience, Walter Benjamin, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Intellectual HistoryAbstract
Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) creates the notion of “flaneur” to analyze the
representation of the urban experience in Charles Baudelaire’s works. To apply this theoretical
examination to Emilia Pardo Bazán’s critical works is productive to understand the representation
of her experience in Paris. The obvious ideological differences between Benjamin and Pardo
Bazán do not prevent to note important socio-aesthetic affinities between both authors. Their
critical works evaluate the impact of modernity in nineteenth-century, elaborate a reflection
on the experience of travel in modern urban environments, argue for an aesthetic vindication
of art against its gradual conversion in commodity, and embrace a cosmopolitan, eclectic and
heterodox intellectual perspective in their respective cultural contexts. The critical theory of
modernity framed by Benjamin and the critical works by Pardo Bazán on bourgeois modernity
provide a valuable contribution to understand properly the aesthetic representation of modernity
in the complex historical context of Modernism (1890-1940).