Memoria de Emilia Pardo Bazán
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Cosmopolitism. Ideology. Feminism. Galicianism. Cancellation.Abstract
In the mourning centenary of the writer, the validity of her extensive narrative,
critical and journalistic work stands out, characterized by its cosmopolitanism, a rare quality in
Spain at the time, and by its radical and militant feminism. From the Royal Galician Academy,
the depository of a large part of his material and immaterial legacy, the historian Xosé Ramón
Barreiro Fernández studied with all rigor the ideological foundations of Pardo Bazán, openly
conservative and undemocratic, while pondering the significance of his work and defending her
against certain Galician positions very contrary to her figure, led by Manuel Murguía. But as with
other writers of the time such as Mark Twain or Eça de Queiroz, once again Emilia Pardo Bazán
began to be neo-inquisitorially disavowed, even in terms of the authenticity of her feminism,
within the framework of the movement that from the United States it is called the “cancellation
culture.” Finally, is vindicated the story, intensely linked to the novelist and her family, of the
Torres de Meirás, which Francoism transformed into an emblem of the dictator, transforming
them into the misnamed Pazo de Meirás in which the author of La Madre Naturaleza wanted be