La persona y la obra de Emilia Pardo Bazán en la prensa norteamericana de su tiempo








  • Ana María Freire


Palabras clave:

Emilia Pardo Bazán. Recepción. Literatura española en Estados Unidos. Crítica literaria en prensa periódica. Realismo. Naturalismo.


This paper, the partial result of a broader investigation into the reception of
Spanish literature in the United States, focuses on Emilia Pardo Bazán, from the publication of her
first translations in that country until her death in 1921. The review of the press (announcements,
reviews and criticism of her works, texts by Doña Emilia in newspapers and magazines, news
about the author) shows that she was valued positively by critics, who never doubted her
literary merit, particularly her ability to penetrating psychology, the soul of the characters, the
vivid painting of environments and the vigor of her style, and which highlighted her defense of
women’s rights in a Spain where being a woman writer was still an exception. However, she
also drew misgivings from her about her choice of subjects for some of her novels, in which a
certain naturalistic roughness did not appeal to all sensitivities. In any case, Emilia Pardo Bazán
was, among the Spanish authors of her time, one of the most translated and promoted writers in
the United States.


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